›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 2425-2433.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2017.08.032

• 数值分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


周海娟1, 2,马 刚1, 2,袁 葳1, 2,周 伟1, 2,常晓林1, 2   

  1. 1. 武汉大学 水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072;2. 武汉大学 水工岩石力学教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072
  • 收稿日期:2015-09-24 出版日期:2017-08-11 发布日期:2018-06-05
  • 通讯作者: 马刚,男,1985年生,副教授,主要从事高坝结构数值仿真方面的研究工作。E-mail:magang630@whu.edu.cn E-mail:zhouhaijuan122@163.com
  • 作者简介:周海娟,女,1989年生,硕士研究生,主要从事高坝结构数值仿真方面的研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

    中国博士后科学基金面上资助(No. 2016T907272);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金。

Size effect on the crushing strengths of rock particles

ZHOU Hai-juan1, 2, MA Gang1, 2, YUAN Weir1, 2, ZHOU Wei1, 2, CHANG Xiao-lin1, 2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Rock Mechanics in Hydraulic Structural Engineering of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China
  • Received:2015-09-24 Online:2017-08-11 Published:2018-06-05
  • Supported by:

    This research was supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016T907272) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

摘要: 目前在颗粒材料的尺寸效应研究中,极少考虑颗粒的复杂形状和内部结构非均匀性。采用随机散粒体不连续变形分析方法(SGDD),引入无厚度界面单元和凝聚力模型模拟颗粒破碎,对5组不同粒径的堆石颗粒进行单颗粒压缩试验的数值模拟,分析了颗粒内界面单元强度对颗粒破碎的影响,并采用Weibull分布模型分析颗粒破碎强度的尺寸效应。通过与室内单颗粒压缩试验对比,试验的数值模拟能真实地再现单颗粒压缩下的破碎过程,不同颗粒的压缩曲线规律相似,达到峰值荷载前,承载力曲线急剧上升,随后颗粒发生致命破碎,承载能力骤降。不同粒径组的单颗粒破碎强度均服从Weibull分布,平均Weibull模数为2.48。不同粒径组的颗粒特征强度存在明显的尺寸效应,特征强度随着颗粒尺寸的增大而减小,与颗粒尺寸呈幂指数关系,但小于Weibull模型的预测值。

关键词: 堆石颗粒, 颗粒破碎, 破碎强度, Weibull统计分析, 尺寸效应

Abstract: Currently many researchers studied size effect on the crushing strengths of rock particles, but they rarely considered the complex shapes and internal structures of heterogeneity. By the stochastic granular discontinuous deformation method (SGDD), numerical was employed to simulate the single particle compression tests for rock particles with five different sizes. Particle crushing is simulated by introducing zero-thickness interface element and cohesive zone in SGDD model. Then we studied the influence of interface strength on particle crushing, and analysed size effect on the crushing strengths of rock particles using Weibull model. Comparing with single grain compression test indoor, the SGDD method makes the crushing process of single particle compression very realistic. Every compressive curve shows the same trend, that is, the curves increase sharply before reaching the peak force and followed by a sharp drop at fatal breakage. The peak stress is the strength of particle crushing. Crushing strengths in every group of particles satisfy the Weibull distribution well with an average Weibull modulus of 2.48. In addition, the crushing strengths among different groups of particles shows that the characteristic strengths decrease with the increase of particle size. The characteristic strengths and particle sizes obey a power law with an exponent of -0.163, less than the prediction of Weibull model.

Key words: rock particle, particle crushing, crushing strength, Weibull statistical analysis, size effect


  • TU 452

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