岩土力学 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (S1): 267-274.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2018.2161

• 基础理论与实验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-27 出版日期:2019-08-01 发布日期:2019-08-16
  • 作者简介:刘希灵,男,1980年生,博士,副教授, 主要从事岩石力学及岩石声发射方面的研究
  • 基金资助:

Acoustic emission b-values of limestone under uniaxial compression and Brazilian splitting loads

LIU Xi-ling, LIU Zhou, LI Xi-bing, HAN Meng-si   

  1. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha Hunan 410083, China
  • Received:2018-11-27 Online:2019-08-01 Published:2019-08-16
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Key R & D program of China (2016YFC0600706) and Postgraduate Independent Exploration and Innovative Project of Central South University(2018zzts757).

摘要: 通过开展灰岩巴西劈裂和单轴压缩声发射试验,探讨两种加载方式下岩石破裂声发射b值特性及b值计算影响因素。结果表明,累积计算b值拟合度高,误差较小;步距为5 dB时不同门槛值下b值随时间变化的总体规律基本一致,选择5 dB的步距和40 dB的门槛值计算b值比较合理,能够降低非岩石破裂信号对b值变化的影响。由动态b值的波动程度可以看出,在劈裂荷载下灰岩损伤演化过程可分为3个阶段,即(0~40%)?c(?c为峰值强度)、(40%~90%)?c和(90%~100%)?c,而在单轴加载下可分为:(0~80%)?c和(80%~100%)?c两个阶段,且不同阶段岩石内部损伤的程度不同。在裂纹扩展阶段,相比单轴加载,劈裂荷载下动态b值增加较为稳定,但在整个破坏过程中劈裂荷载下动态b值波动更大,在单轴压缩和劈裂加载方式下b值的大小取决于灰岩破裂面上的结构性质及破裂模式。

关键词: 岩石声发射, b值, 单轴压缩, 巴西劈裂, 影响因素

Abstract: Through the acoustic emission monitoring on two loading modes i.e. Brazilian splitting and uniaxial compression of limestone, the b-value characteristics of rock rupture and the impact factors are discussed. The results show that cumulative calculation of b-value has a high fitting degree and small error. When the step length is 5 dB, the overall change trend of b-value with time under different threshold values is similar. It shows that the calculation of b-value is more reasonable with the step length of 5 dB and threshold value of 40 dB, which can reduce the influence of non-rock fracture signals on the variation of b-value. Additionally, based on the fluctuation characteristics of the dynamic b-value, it can be seen that under the splitting load, the damage evolution of limestone can be divided into three stages: (0-40%)?c, (40%-90%)?c, and (90%-100%)?c. Under uniaxial compression load, the damage evolution of limestone can be divided into two stages: (0-80%)?c and (80%-100%)?c (?c is the peak strength). At different stages of rock damage, it presents different levels of damage in the rocks. In the crack propagation stage, compared with uniaxial compression load, the dynamic b-value increases steadily during crack growth process under Brazilian splitting load condition, and the dynamic b-value fluctuates greatly during the whole failure process. Through the experiments in this paper, it shows that the variation of b-value depends on the structural property and failure modes of the limestone fracture surface.

Key words: rock acoustic emission, b-value, uniaxial compression, Brazilian splitting, impact factors


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