岩土力学 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 3937-3944.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2019.0225

• 基础理论与实验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

水平环境荷载与地震动联合作用下的海上风机 单桩基础动力响应模型试验

吴小锋1, 2,朱斌1, 2, 3,汪玉冰1, 3   

  1. 1. 浙江大学 软弱土与环境土工教育部重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310058;2. 浙江大学 岩土工程研究所,浙江 杭州 310058; 3. 浙江大学 超重力研究中心,浙江 杭州 310058
  • 收稿日期:2019-01-28 出版日期:2019-10-11 发布日期:2019-10-19
  • 通讯作者: 朱斌,男,1977年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事海洋岩土工程等方面的教学和科研。E-mail: binzhu@zju.edu.cn E-mail:xfwu@zju.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:吴小锋,男,1987年生,博士研究生,主要从事海上风机基础地震响应方面的研究。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(No. 51679211);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No. 2018FZA4016);国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 41630638)。

Dynamic model test on monopile for offshore wind turbine under jointed lateral environmental load and seismic load

WU Xiao-feng1, 2, ZHU Bin1, 2, 3, WANG Yu-bing1, 3   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering of Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China; 2. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China; 3. Center for Hypergravity Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China
  • Received:2019-01-28 Online:2019-10-11 Published:2019-10-19
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51679211), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2018FZA4016) and the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (41630638).

摘要: 近海风机结构和基础长期承受着巨大的水平向环境荷载。在风机的服役周期中,地震荷载与水平环境荷载会有大概率同时空作用于风机基础上。研发了初始水平环境施加装置,设计了砂土地基中的近海风机单桩基础超重力动力模型试验,从物理模型尺度初步实现了考虑初始水平环境荷载与地震荷载联合作用的单桩基础动力试验。通过超重力振动台试验发现,联合工况下干砂地基和饱和砂地基中风机单桩基础的震后桩身弯矩值要大于初始弯矩值。在饱和地基中部分深度处的震后桩身弯矩是初始弯矩值的4倍。此外桩顶水平位移在施振过程中出现了震荡累加的现象,在饱和地基中震后桩顶水平位移是初始位移的1.3倍。初始水平环境荷载与地震荷载联合作用下风机单桩基础表现出的这种耦合效应对风机的安全服役产生了巨大的挑战,在风机基础设计中值得关注。

关键词: 静剪应力, 近海风机, 单桩基础, 超重力振动台

Abstract: The upper structure and foundation of offshore wind turbines (OWTs) bear huge lateral environmental loads over the life time. Meanwhile, there is a high probability of the seismic load acting on the foundation of OWTs simultaneously. In this paper, a loading device was designed to impose initial lateral environmental loads, and a set of centrifuge dynamic model tests on a monopile in sand ground were setup. Thus, the monopile dynamic tests under jointed load condition were realized from the physical model scale. The centrifuge shaking table test shows that the bending moment of the pile after shaking under jointed load conditions is greater than its initial bending moment. The bending moment of the pile after the earthquake at a partial depth in the saturated sand is about four times than the initial bending moment. In addition, it is found that the lateral displacement at the pile head accumulated during the shaking process. The lateral displacement of the pile head after the earthquake is 1.3 times of the initial lateral displacement. The coupling effect of monopile for offshore wind turbines under jointed load condition poses a great challenge to the safe service of OWTs and deserves attention in the design of OWTs foundation.

Key words: static shear stress, offshore wind turbine, monopile, centrifuge shaking table


  • TU 475
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