岩土力学 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (S1): 135-142.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2018.1933

• 基础理论与实验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于非达西流动的自支撑剪切裂缝导流 能力实验研究

修乃岭1, 2,严玉忠1, 2,胥 云1,王 欣1, 2,管保山1, 2,王 臻1, 2, 梁天成1, 2,付海峰1, 2,田国荣1, 2,蒙传幼1, 2   

  1. 1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083;2. 中国石油集团 油气藏改造重点实验室,河北 廊坊 065007
  • 收稿日期:2018-10-18 出版日期:2019-08-01 发布日期:2019-08-15
  • 作者简介:修乃岭,男,1981年生,硕士研究生,工程师,主要从事油气储层改造相关岩石力学研究
  • 基金资助:

Experimental study on conductivity of self-supporting shear fractures based on non-Darcy flow

XIU Nai-ling1, 2, YAN Yu-zhong1, 2, XU Yun1, WANG Xin1, 2, GUAN Bao-shan1, 2, WANG Zhen1, 2, LIANG Tian-cheng1, 2, FU Hai-feng1, 2, TIAN Guo-rong1, 2, MENG Chuan-you1, 2   

  1. 1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Reservoir Stimulation, CNPC, Langfang, Hebei 065007, China
  • Received:2018-10-18 Online:2019-08-01 Published:2019-08-15
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Major Projects of Oil and Gas Projects 23“New Technology of Reservoir Stimulation”(2016ZX05023).

摘要: 页岩储层有天然裂缝和弱面发育,采用大规模压裂技术对其进行改造会在改造区域形成大量自支撑剪切裂缝,该自支撑剪切裂缝在页岩气开发中具有重要作用,研究和评价裂缝导流能力的大小对页岩气开发具有重要指导意义。常用的基于Darcy流动方程推导的裂缝导流能力评价公式,不能满足流体高速流动时的裂缝导流能力评价,需要开发适合于页岩的自支撑裂缝导流能力评价方法,为页岩体积改造形成的自支撑裂缝导流能力评价提供支持。选用龙马溪组页岩储层岩样,利用自行研制的剪切-渗流耦合实验系统对样品进行剪切,形成剪切自支撑裂缝,在应力-渗流耦合条件下进行氮气流动测试,获得一组压力和气体流量数据,基于非线性Izbash定律描述气体在自支撑裂缝中流动特征方程,和基于流动特征方法建立自支撑裂缝导流能力计算公式,根据测试数据计算了自支撑裂缝的导流能力,利用裂缝导流能力计算理论气体流量,结果表明理论流量和实测流量具有很好的符合性。开展了不同剪切位移和不同围压条件下页岩自支撑剪切裂缝导流能力评价实验,结果表明,自支撑裂缝导流能力受错位程度、粗糙度等性质影响;在围压10~40 MPa实验条件下自支撑剪切裂缝导流能力在0.1~1 D?cm范围。新建立的导流能力评价方法可为流体高速流动时裂缝导流能力评价提供一种有效途径。

关键词: 页岩, 自支撑裂缝, 裂缝导流能力, 非达西流, Izbash方程

Abstract: The shale reservoir is usually characterized as many natural fractures and weak planes. A large amount of self-supporting shear fractures appear in the hydraulic fracturing zones. These self-supporting shear fractures play an important role in the development of shale gas. Thus the evaluation on the flow conductivity of these shear fractures can provide great guidance for the development of the shale gas. However, the common evaluation formula of the flow conductivity for shear fractures, which is based on the Darcy flow equation, is not applicable when the fluid flow rate is high. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new evaluation method suitable for assessing the flow conductivity of the self-supporting fractures, and provide the support for the accurate evaluation of the flow conductivity of the self-supporting fractures in the shale after hydraulic fracturing activities. The shale samples of Longmaxi formation are selected in the experiments. The shear tests are carried out in the self-developed shear-seepage coupling experimental system and the self-supporting shear fractures are generated. The nitrogen flow test is carried out under the stress-seepage coupling conditions. A set of pressure and gas flow data are obtained. The flow characteristic equation of gas flow in the self-supporting fractures is described based on the non-linear Izbash’s law. Thus the formula for calculating the flow conductivity of self-supporting fractures is established. Based on the test data, the flow conductivity of self-supporting fractures is computed. Furthermore, the theoretical gas flow amount is obtained. It is found that the theoretical flow rates and the measured flow rates are in a good agreement. The flow conductivity of the self-supporting fractures under different shear displacements and confining pressures are tested. The experimental results show that the flow conductivity of self-supporting fractures is affected by the shear displacement, roughness etc. At the confining pressure is in the range of 10-40 MPa, the flow conductivity of self-supporting shear fractures are in the range of 0.1 to 1 D?cm. The new method proposed in this paper can provide an effective way for the evaluation of the flow conductivity of the self-supporting fractures when the flow rate is high.

Key words: shale, self-supporting fracture, flow conductivity of the fracture, non-Darcy flow, Izbash′s equation


  • TE357
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