岩土力学 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (S1): 117-126.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2023.0250

• 基础理论与实验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


马成昊1, 2,朱长歧1,瞿茹1, 2,刘海峰1,王天民1, 2,胡涛1, 3   

  1. 1. 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430071; 2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3. 桂林理工大学 土木与建筑工程学院,广西 桂林 541004
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-28 接受日期:2023-04-20 出版日期:2023-11-16 发布日期:2023-11-16
  • 通讯作者: 朱长歧,男,1963年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事海洋工程地质、珊瑚礁岩土的力学特性、地基加固理论的研究及实践。E-mail: cqzhu@whrsm.ac.cn E-mail:1655547758@qq.com
  • 作者简介:马成昊,男,1997年生,博士研究生,主要从事钙质砂颗粒特性方面的研究。
  • 基金资助:
    自然科学基金面上项目(No. 42277185, No. 42107202);湖北省自然科学基金(No. 2020CFB243)。

Multi-scale particle morphology analysis of coral sand in South China Sea

MA Cheng-hao1, 2, ZHU Chang-qi1, QU Ru1, 2, LIU Hai-feng1, WANG Tian-min1, 2, HU Tao1, 3   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430071, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China
  • Received:2023-02-28 Accepted:2023-04-20 Online:2023-11-16 Published:2023-11-16
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (42277185,42107202) and the Hubei Natural Science Foundation(2020CFB243).

摘要: 颗粒形貌是影响珊瑚砂力学性质的重要参数,研究珊瑚砂多尺度形貌特征有助于从细观角度阐释其力学特性。基于颗粒动态图像分析技术对不同粒径范围内超过20万个珊瑚砂和陆源石英砂(包括人工破碎石英砂和天然石英砂)颗粒开展颗粒形貌扫描和对比分析,提出了适用于珊瑚砂的颗粒形状分类标准,并从颗粒形状、磨圆度和凸度3个尺度上揭示了海相珊瑚砂与陆源石英砂颗粒形貌的差异性。结果表明:(1)珊瑚砂主要由块状、片状及棒状3种类型的颗粒组成,以伸长率和扁平率为0.5作为珊瑚砂颗粒形状的划分阈值进行颗粒形状分类,该分类方法的准确率可达90%。(2)珊瑚砂中块状颗粒占比最大,且含量大于50%。随着粒径增加,块状颗粒占比增加,片状颗粒占比下降,而棒状颗粒基本维持不变;随着粒径的增加,石英砂中的块状颗粒占比高于珊瑚砂,这是由颗粒的矿物性质决定的,而与颗粒的风化破碎方式无关。(3)人工破碎石英砂的磨圆度与珊瑚砂的较为接近,且略小于天然石英砂。块状颗粒的磨圆度大于片状颗粒,更大于棒状颗粒,因此块状颗粒占比越高,集合体的磨圆度越大。(4)珊瑚砂的颗粒凸度介于0.85~1.00间,石英砂的凸度大于珊瑚砂。随着粒径的增加,珊瑚砂的凸度减小明显,而石英砂的凸度变化不大。

关键词: 珊瑚砂, 陆源石英砂, 颗粒形状, 磨圆度, 凸度

Abstract: Particle morphology is an important parameter affecting the mechanical properties of coral sand. Studying the multi-scale morphological characteristics of coral sand is helpful to interpret its mechanical properties from the microscopic perspective. Based on the particle dynamic image analysis technology, this study carried out particle morphology scanning and comparative analysis on more than 200 thousand coral sand and terrigenous quartz sand (including artificial broken quartz sand and natural quartz sand) particles in different particle size ranges, and proposed the classification standard of particle shape suitable for coral sand. The difference of particle morphology between marine coral sand and terrigenous quartz sand was revealed from particle shape, roundness and convexity. The findings indicate that: (1) Coral sand is mainly composed of blocky, flaky and bar-shapes particles, taking the elongation ratio and flatness ratio of 0.5 as the threshold for the classification of coral sand particle shape, the accuracy of this classification method can reach 90%. (2) The proportion of blocky particles in coral sand is the largest and the content is more than 50%. With the increase of particle size, the proportion of blocky particles increases, and the proportion of flaky particles decreases, while the proportion of bar-shaped particles basically remains unchanged. With the increase of particle size, the proportion of blocky particles in quartz sand is higher than coral sand, which is determined by the mineral properties of the particles, rather than the weathering and crushing mode of the particles. (3) Artificial broken quartz sand and coral sand have relatively similar particle roundness, and slightly less than that of natural quartz sand. The roundness of blocky particles is the highest, followed by flaky particles and the lowest is bar-shaped particles. Therefore, the roundness of aggregate increases with the proportion of blocky particles. (4) The convexity of coral sand is between 0.85 and 1.00, which is lower than that of quartz sand. With the increase of particle size, the convexity of coral sand decreases obviously, while the convexity of quartz sand changes little.

Key words: coral sand, terrigenous quartz sand, particle shape, roundness, convexity


  • TU 411
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