岩土力学 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 2435-2442.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2018.0292

• 数值分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


王翔南1,李全明2,于玉贞1,喻葭临3,吕 禾1   

  1. 1. 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室,北京 100084;2. 中国安全生产科学研究院,北京 100012; 3. 水电水利规划设计总院,北京 100120
  • 收稿日期:2018-02-02 出版日期:2019-06-11 发布日期:2019-06-22
  • 作者简介:王翔南,男,1988年生,博士研究生,主要从事岩土工程高性能数值计算方面的研究
  • 基金资助:

Simulation of the failure process of landslides based on extended finite element method

WANG Xiang-nan1, LI Quan-ming2, YU Yu-zhen1, YU Jia-lin3, LÜ He1   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, Beijing 100012, China; 3. China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, Beijing 100120, China
  • Received:2018-02-02 Online:2019-06-11 Published:2019-06-22
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0804602, 2017YFC0404802) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51479099).

摘要: 边坡失稳一般经历滑裂面萌生、扩展和贯通的过程。近年发展起来的扩展有限元法(XFEM)可以合理地模拟这一过程,但在实际应用中仍未克服需要预先设定滑裂面的起始位置,以及滑裂面前端扩展方向的判断精度较低等缺陷。首先介绍滑裂面萌生和扩展的判断和程序实现机制。然后提出了确定滑裂面起始位置的方法,重点描述了其中的自动判断裂缝萌生位置的方法,即根据单元内的应力状态求得拉应力水平和剪应力水平,根据其相对关系并结合应力历史进行判断。接着介绍了联合运用扇形控制域和圆形控制域确定滑裂面前端扩展方向的新方法。该方法可提高XFEM对滑坡破坏过程的模拟精度。最后通过两个边坡失稳算例的计算分析验证所提方法的可靠性。

关键词: 扩展有限元法(XFEM), 土体滑坡, 滑裂面, 萌生, 扩展

Abstract: A soil slope failure usually experiences the initiation, development, and run-through of the slip plane. The extended finite element method (XFEM) has been applied to simulate the process of slope failure in recent years. However, there are still some shortcomings to be overcome in practical applications of XFEM to landslides. For example, the initial position of the slip plane needs to be prescribed, and the extending direction of the slip front-end cannot be tracked accurately. In this paper, the mechanism of slip-plane initiation and development is introduced, and the process of automatically determining the initial position of the slip plane based on the stress history and the relative relationship between the tensile stress level and the shear stress level in the soil element is proposed and described in detail. Then, a new method for determining the front-end propagation direction of the slip plane by using the sector control domain and the circular control domain is introduced, which effectively improves the simulation precision of the XFEM for the landslide failure process. Finally, two typical slope cases with different failure types are analyzed to verify the reliability and rationality of the proposed method further.

Key words: extended finite element method (XFEM), landslide, slip plane, initiation, development


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