岩土力学 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (S2): 389-397.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2018.1553

• 数值分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


王桂林1, 2,梁再勇1,张 亮1,孙 帆1   

  1. 1. 重庆大学 土木工程学院,重庆 400045;2. 重庆大学 库区环境地质灾害防治国家地方联合工程研究中心,重庆 400045
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-24 出版日期:2018-12-21 发布日期:2019-01-06
  • 作者简介:王桂林,男,1970年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事边坡与地下工程方向的科研与教学。
  • 基金资助:

Study of influence mechanism of Z-type fissure on sandstone strength and fracture behavior

WANG Gui-lin1, 2, LIANG Zai-yong1, ZHANG Liang1, SUN Fan1   

  1. 1. School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400045, China; 2. National Joint Engineering Research Center of Geohazards Prevention in the Reservoir Areas, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400045, China
  • Received:2018-08-24 Online:2018-12-21 Published:2019-01-06
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51478065).

摘要: 裂隙对岩体的力学性能影响显著。基于室内完整砂岩试样单轴压缩试验结果,利用颗粒流模拟研究砂岩含Z型裂隙时的强度和变形特征,分析倾角?(上下两平行裂隙倾角)和?(中间连接裂隙倾角)对Z型裂隙试样强度、变形及裂纹扩展的影响,并分析Z型裂隙砂岩破裂演化机制。研究结果表明,相比于完整试样,Z型裂隙试样线弹性阶段明显缩短,变形过程中多次出现应力跌落现象;Z型裂隙对岩体峰值强度和弹性模量具有明显的劣化作用,且峰值强度的劣化大于弹性模量的劣化;峰值强度和弹性模量随着?、??的增加呈现出增长趋势,??对试样力学参数的劣化影响大于?;初始裂纹主要出现在裂隙尖端或附近,起裂应力水平在0.6~0.7之间为主;破坏模式分为张拉破坏、剪切破坏、拉剪复合破坏三类,且主要破坏模式为拉剪复合破坏;应力-应变曲线上应力突变点对应微裂纹数目累计曲线陡增点。

关键词: Z型裂隙, 裂隙倾角, 强度特性, 裂纹扩展, 颗粒流模拟

Abstract: The fissures have a significant effect on the mechanical properties of rock mass. Based on the experimental results of intact sandstone samples under uniaxial compression, the strength and deformation characteristics of sandstone samples containing z-type fissure are studied by the method of particle flow simulation. At the same time, the effects of inclination angle of ? (the angle of the upper and lower parallel fissure) and ? (the angle of the middle connecting fissure) on the strength, deformation and crack propagation mechanism of sandstone samples containing z-type fissure, and the fracture evolution mechanism of these samples are analyzed. The results show that the elastic phase is significantly shortened; and there are more stress-dropping of sandstone samples containing z-type fissure during the process of deformation. The peak strength and elastic modulus of the rock mass are obviously weaken by the z-type fissure; and the deterioration of the peak strength is greater than the elastic modulus. The peak strength and elastic modulus are increased with increasing of ? and ?, and the influence of ? on the deterioration of mechanical properties is greater than ?. The initial cracks mainly appeared at or near the crack tip; and the initial stress level is between 0.6 and 0.7. The failure modes of the sandstone samples containing z-type fissure can be divided into tensile failure, shear failure and tensile-shear mixed failure; and the main failure model is tensile-shear mixed failure. The stress mutation point on the stress-strain curve corresponds to the jump points of the accumulation curve of microcracks.

Key words: Z-type fissure, fissure angle, strength behavior, crack coalescence, particle flow simulation


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