岩土力学 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (10): 2821-2832.doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2023.0740

• 基础理论与实验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李丽华1, 2,黄畅1, 2,李文涛1, 2,李孜健1, 2,叶治1, 2   

  1. 1. 湖北工业大学 土木建筑与环境学院,湖北 武汉 430068;2. 湖北工业大学 湖北省生态道路工程研究中心,湖北 武汉 430068
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-06 接受日期:2023-07-10 出版日期:2023-10-13 发布日期:2023-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 李文涛,男,1985年生,博士,副教授,主要从事固废资源化利用、岩土加固等方面的研究工作。E-mail: wli20201027@hbut.edu.cn E-mail:researchmailbox@163.com
  • 作者简介:李丽华,女,1978年生,博士,教授,主要从事加筋土、环境岩土等方面的教学与研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Study on mechanical and microscopic characterization of expansive soil solidified by rice husk ash-granulated blast furnace slag

LI Li-hua1, 2, HUANG Chang1, 2, LI Wen-tao1, 2, LI Zi-jian1, 2, YE Zhi1, 2   

  1. 1. School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430068, China; 2. Ecological Road Engineering Research Center, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430068, China
  • Received:2023-06-06 Accepted:2023-07-10 Online:2023-10-13 Published:2023-10-16
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52278347, U22A20232), the Key Research and Development Program of Hubei Province (2022BCA059) and the Outstanding Person Fund of Hubei University of Technology (XJ2021000501).


膨胀土具有强胀缩性,吸水极易膨胀软化,失水急剧收缩硬裂,这种胀缩性给工程结构造成很大危害。采用稻壳灰(rice husk ash,RHA)和高炉矿渣(ground granulated blast-furnace slag,GGBS)作为固化剂对膨胀土进行稳定化,通过击实试验、无侧限抗压强度试验、直剪试验、加州承载比(California bearing ratio,CBR)试验、膨胀试验、扫描电镜试验和X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)试验,研究了固化后膨胀土的力学强度、膨胀特性变化规律及微观机制。试验结果表明:在不同配比和掺量的固化土中,稻壳灰−矿渣为6:4配比和10%掺量固化土无侧限抗压强度最大;稻壳灰−矿渣(RHA-GGBS,RG)可降低膨胀土轴向变形,提高抗剪强度,随着固化剂掺量增加,固化土黏聚力先增大后减小,内摩擦角逐渐增大;与未处理的膨胀土相比,掺稻壳灰−矿渣固化土CBR值最高可提高至7.9倍,路基土的力学强度得到了显著改善。稻壳灰−矿渣可明显改善膨胀土的膨胀率,减小膨胀力,无荷膨胀率最多可从11.4%下降到0.5%,有荷膨胀率最多可从1.1%趋于0%,膨胀力降幅介于12.1%~62.8%之间。稻壳灰−矿渣可以促进团聚体、无定型水化产物和极少量钙矾石(AFt)的形成,分布在土体表面并填充孔隙,同时可明显减少土中蒙脱石和伊利石亲水矿物成分,增强颗粒之间的胶结作用,从而提高路基土的力学强度,降低固化土膨胀性能。

关键词: 稻壳灰, 高炉矿渣, 膨胀土, 无侧限抗压强度, 膨胀特性, 固化机制


Expansive soil has strong swelling-shrinkage behavior. It swells and softens after absorbing water, and shrinks and cracks after losing water. These swelling-shrinkage behavior will seriously threaten engineering structures. In this study, the expansive soil was stabilized by rice husk ash (RHA) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS). Through compaction test, unconfined compressive strength test, direct shear test, California bearing ratio (CBR) test, swelling test, scanning electron microscope test and X-ray diffraction (XRD) test, the mechanical strength, expansion characteristics and microscopic mechanism of solidified expansive soil were studied. Testing results show that the unconfined compressive strength of the stabilized soil with a ratio of RHA to GGBS of 6:4 and a 10% curing agent dosage is the highest among all stabilized soils. The mixture of rice husk ash-ground granulated blast furnace slag (RG) can reduce axial deformation and improve shear strength. With the increase of curing agent content, the cohesion of stabilized soil increases first and then decreases, and the internal friction angle increases gradually. Compared with the untreated expansive soil, the CBR value of the stabilized soil with RG can be increased to 7.9 times, and the mechanical strength of the soil has been significantly improved. RG can significantly reduce the swelling rate of expansive soil and the swelling force. The free swelling rate can be reduced from 11.4% to 0.5%, and the swelling rate with loading can be reduced from 1.1% to 0%. Additionally, the swelling force decreases between 12.1% and 62.8%. RG can promote the formation of flocculation, amorphous hydration products and a very small amount of ettringite (AFt), which are distributed on the surface of the soil and fill the pores so as to improve the strength of the soil and reduce the expansion of the soil. Meanwhile, RG can significantly diminish the hydrophilic minerals such as montmorillonite and illite in the soil and thus enhance the cementation between particles, thereby improving the strength and downgrading the swelling behavior of the expansive soil.

Key words: rice husk ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, expansive soil, unconfined compressive strength, expansion characteristics, curing mechanism


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